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Oil Paintings: "Heaven" series

Artist's Statement: "Heaven" series

"Heaven's sunrise", oil on canvas.

"The faces you meet in heaven", oil on canvas.

"Heaven sunset", oil on canvas.

"Heaven on Earth?", oil on canvas.

"Reflection of heaven", oil on canvas.

"What does heaven really mean?", oil on canvas.

"God's arms", oil on canvas.

christ's arms.jpg

"The being of light", oil on canvas.

"Spirituality is within our nature", oil on canvas.

"Christ's Arms", oil on canvas.

"Heaven or Hell?" watercolor on paper.


"Stairway: a tribute to Jey Deifell", watercolor on paper.


"Footprints", oil on canvas.

"Christ in heaven", serigraph.

Heaven's reflection.JPG

"Heaven's reflection", acrylic on canvas.

"Surrender", acrylic on canvas.

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